Kwicki Inboard

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007


Ein herzlich Willkommen lieber Dragracing Freund.

Auf diesen Seiten werden wir Dir, die aktuellsten Informationen über unsere Aktivitäten rund um das Team und den Dragstersport berichten.

Wir freuen uns, Dich in der kommenden Saison persönlich im Fahrerlager zu treffen.

Keep on Racing


4 Kommentare:

Diabolical Bill hat gesagt…

Finally your finished screwing around with your Blog and I can post a comment! ;-)

Every time I tried you moved it and I got a failure message.

So here goes ...

Great Photo! It brings back memories of my old beetle.

I never got that much air in the front, but I got a little!

Are you running the 1/8 or 1/4 mile? What times?

Tell me about your motor and setup, that is if it is not top secret. ;-)

Good luck on the track and online with your new Blog.

Cheers, Bill

... hat gesagt…

Hello Bill,

you have found my top secret new version of my blog in german language ;-)

it will be released in january next year. but you can whatch on and the blog on this site (in english), where you can find all necesary information regarding the car and the action.

keep in touch


Diabolical Bill hat gesagt…

Hey Jens,

just checked out your website.

Well done!

If you could only see how many times it made me smile.

Just hearing your bug was worth a visit.


P.S. the internet has no secrets!

... hat gesagt…

thank you, bill.

nice for me to keep a smile on your face.

